What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?
毕业后, 我在两所独立学校——庞弗雷特学校和伯克郡学校当了三年的教师. 我的第一份工作, 我教美国历史(并开设了学校有史以来第一个非裔美国人历史课), co-led the school’s social justice curriculum, assisted coached the girls’ varsity basketball and co-ed track & 实地团队,并担任多样性,公平和包容性的临时联合主任. 在接受现在的工作并搬到波士顿之前,我在伯克希尔学校(Berkshire School)担任了一年的多元文化招聘主管. I’m currently an associate in the HR executive search practice at Spencer Stuart, a global leadership advisory consulting firm. I recruit HR and DEI [diversity, 股本, and inclusion] executives, 共同领导波士顿办事处的JEDI [Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion]组织和规划, and assist the internal talent acquisition team with various DEI initiatives.
作为一名新生, 我知道我想至少选修一门买球平台课程,因为我已经对这个国家买球平台非裔美国人和有色人种的国家叙述持怀疑态度. However I never intended to pursue a major. My advisor encouraged me to take the intro course with Professor Judith Casselberry in my first semester and I fell in love. 我之所以决定选择买球平台专业,这要归功于买球平台系所有令人难以置信的教授,他们让我感到自己被重视了, created opportunities for me to explore my own 身份, challenged me to think and understand the world differently, and whose passion created an exciting and powerful learning environment.
有机会在买球平台大学学习买球平台完全是一种特权,它已经并将继续提高我的生活,并赋予我比我想象的更多的机会. 首先也是最重要的, if the purpose of a liberal arts education is to teach critical thinking, 推理, 沟通技巧, and to prepare us to innovate, 那么我想不出还有哪个部门比买球平台大学的买球平台部门更能充分体现这一使命. It’s impossible to name all the ways in which that’s true; but when I reflect on the skills, 的想法, 与大学同学和教授的关系是我毕业后人生中最宝贵的, most can be t比赛d back to 买球平台 in one way or another. 举个具体的例子:越来越多的人需要有工具来理解, 管理, 克服多样性, 股本, and inclusion issues and challenges in professional settings. 我主修买球平台的经历绝对让我做好了识别和利用这些机会的准备, 因此,打开新的, 和更多的, 在不同的专业环境中,以非传统的方式影响变化并使自己成为一种资产. 长话短说, 买球平台 has proved to be an incredibly versatile degree, which has translated into personal and professional growth opportunities, 和更多的 importantly relationships, which continue to positively impact my life.